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作者:登登 大大教我十大形(2021.3.21) 今天,我练了三记拳。 第一记拳,踩步。大大留了几句踩步的留言(点评),他说,踩步回家还是要多练练。 又打了大劈(拗步大劈),大大告诉我,大劈劈下去的时候人要直,还要把手夹住,把膝盖藏进去。(妈妈问:后腿的膝盖要怎么样?)后腿的膝盖要插到前腿的膝盖里面,要夹紧。 然后,我又打了燕子抄水,大大说我燕子抄水好的。(妈妈问:你觉得你好吗?)我觉得差不多。 走的时候,我跟大大说异特龙的英文,Allosaurus。The allosauruslived in forest. But in this forest you cannot find tiger. There are manyplant-eating dinosaurs. Sometimes allosaurus can eat thirty-four pterosauria.But the life of Allosaurus is very short. They can only live 20 years. But theycannot run away from the fire mountain broken out and all allosaurus died, andmany other dinosaurs in 3.5 hundred millon years ago all died. 大大听不懂英文,他说以后出去玩让我当小翻译。我觉得我可以的,就像杨洁篪、王毅,我英文很好的。 登登 2021.3.21